Honor Flight - Manny Pedraza


Sunday - 10AM Worship Service | Tuesday - 7PM Bible Study

by: Mittie Pedraza



Dear Family/Friends:        

Manuel Pedraza (Manny) and other veterans have been selected for an Honor Flight to Washington, D.C., from September 19 to 21, 2024. They will each be given an escort to be with them during the trip. Our son-in-law, Grant Dewey, will be Manny’s escort. Plus, two RNs will travel with the small group to ensure everyone’s health and well-being.

The Honor Flight requests that family and friends send/mail a letter, card, email, or small memento (something that is easy to send through the mail). The Honor Flight will collect these items and hand them out as a “mail call” on the airplane ride back to Colorado from DC.  It is intended to surprise the Veterans, so don’t say anything to Manny about it. 

I will attend a meeting on September 8th regarding the trip’s details. If you can give me the mail (before the 8th), I will pass it along to the Honor Flight designee collecting the cards/letters.  

Otherwise, you can mail it to the address below (before September 10th). Remember to include Manny’s name so it gets to the correct veteran.

Thanks for helping to make this a special event for Manny. 

The address: 

Honor Flight of Southern Colorado

Flight # 19, Manuel Pedraza

PO Box 62040

Colorado Springs, CO 80920

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Dear Family/Friends:        

Manuel Pedraza (Manny) and other veterans have been selected for an Honor Flight to Washington, D.C., from September 19 to 21, 2024. They will each be given an escort to be with them during the trip. Our son-in-law, Grant Dewey, will be Manny’s escort. Plus, two RNs will travel with the small group to ensure everyone’s health and well-being.

The Honor Flight requests that family and friends send/mail a letter, card, email, or small memento (something that is easy to send through the mail). The Honor Flight will collect these items and hand them out as a “mail call” on the airplane ride back to Colorado from DC.  It is intended to surprise the Veterans, so don’t say anything to Manny about it. 

I will attend a meeting on September 8th regarding the trip’s details. If you can give me the mail (before the 8th), I will pass it along to the Honor Flight designee collecting the cards/letters.  

Otherwise, you can mail it to the address below (before September 10th). Remember to include Manny’s name so it gets to the correct veteran.

Thanks for helping to make this a special event for Manny. 

The address: 

Honor Flight of Southern Colorado

Flight # 19, Manuel Pedraza

PO Box 62040

Colorado Springs, CO 80920

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